In a response to 'Richard Oliver' on another thread I started my remarks with 'with respect'. I withdraw that. He is, IMHO, talking uninformed apologist bollocks.
You don't have to take my word for it (well, you do, of course - this is the internet!) but I discussed this with my daughter-in-law's parents. They live in the area and their first (and predominant - they tolerate me) language is Welsh. I showed them this property, explained its purported use and their laughter and expletives were multi-lingual.
Now then, just to explain a little bit about the use of Welsh and English (bear with me, it;ll help me to make my later point). Wales is not (never has been) a united country. Many local rivalries persist, with accusations of 'you're not really Welsh, we are'. The Welsh spoken in north Wales can be quite different from that spoken in the south, and both can differ from that spoken in the west (where I live). There is, nowadays, an ;official' Welsh which can confuse everyody.
My grand-daughters (7 & 5) attend a Welsh medium school (i.e. all lessons are taught in Welsh). They have homework reading books in both Welsh and English and use the languages interchangeably. At home they mostly speak Welsh with their Mum, with me we use English or they translate for me and we mix it about a bit (my Welsh is limited).
There are very very few people in Wales now who don't have working English. There are still, of course, some Welsh language chapels - I have a good friend who is a minister of some - but it's a matter of preference and they're dying out.
The Welsh language has become a bit of a political issue. All official documents, road signs, etc., are bilingual. There is official funding to promote Welsh.
So I come to my point. The property that WT bought is, by any reasonable standard, a 'luxury' property, much over=specified for its purported use, especially in a university town where far more suitable and far cheaper properties were available. I also suspect that WT may be in receipt of government subsidies for 'promotion of the Welsh language'.
Just to make it clear, I think RO is talking apolgetic bollocks,
Hwyl fawr!